
Breathwork And Weightloss

Breathwork, also known as pranayama in the yoga tradition, is a powerful tool that can help with weight loss. In addition, you can improve your overall health, reduce stress, and…


Are Multifocal Glasses Suitable For Me?

Any purchase that includes new glasses will always have pros and cons; the same is true with multifocal lenses.  All too often, we have clients come in for an eye…


Best Way To Meditate When You Are A Busy Mum

How To Meditate When You Are A Busy Mum Are you a busy mum struggling to find the time and space to meditate? You’re not alone! Being a mum is…

eye health

Best Foods To Promote Eye Health

Best Foods For Eye Health Healthy eyesight is an important part of overall health and wellbeing, and the quality of our vision can be affected by what we eat. Eating…

biofield tuning

Biofield Tuning Versus Sound Healing

We live in an intriguing world of sound and energy, where healing can take place through mysterious means. Have you ever heard of biofield tuning or sound healing? These two…

healthy skin

Bridal Facials And Skin Regime

Facials Before Getting Married Planning on getting married soon?Is your skin going to be photo ready?Many brides aspire to have perfect looking skin and makeup on their wedding day.They assume…

The Healing Power Of Flowers: Discover the Therapeutic Benefits of Floral Therapy

Have you ever stopped to smell the roses? It turns out there’s more to this age-old saying than meets the eye. The healing power of flowers is a concept that…


How Yoga Helps Mental Health

Do you feel like life is overwhelming? Are you struggling to find balance and inner peace? Yoga is an ancient practice that can help you to improve your mental health…

healthy food

How Is Nutrition Linked To Skin Health

Nutrition And Skin Health Beautiful skin isn’t just about the cosmetics and products you put on your face. It’s also about what you put into your body – nutrition and…


How Does Breathwork Help Weightloss

Are you looking for a way to lose weight without dieting or exercise?Breathwork may be the answer. This ancient practice has been used for centuries to reduce stress and improve…